RenderX's open-standard (XSL FO) software tools (standalone or pluggable) for digital typography transform XML to PDF, PostScript, SVG, AFP, and print.
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HTML Kit is a free, full-featured, customizable, multi-purpose editor designed to help HTML, XHTML and XML authors to create and publish web pages. Newcomers can benefit from...
HTML Kit is a free, full-featured, customizable, multi-purpose editor designed to help HTML, XHTML and XML authors to create and publish web pages. Newcomers can benefit from...
OmniUpdate provides enterprise-class web content management systems to higher education institutions, empowering them to manage and enhance their web presence.
Extrowebsite si occupa di accessibilità , usabilità , web e UI design, standard W3C, semantic web e architettura dell'informazione, realizzazione di templates statici e... : A developer, content publishing site, for java, servlets, jsp, ejb, xml, xsl, dtd, log4j, weblogic, ant, struts, web services, search engine for software... : A developer, content publishing site, for java, servlets, jsp, ejb, xml, xsl, dtd, log4j, weblogic, ant, struts, web services, search engine for software...
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Web design resources directory web design resources articles Blog. Web Design and Development articles and creative resources directory. Links to great web design resources on...
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