Home of the Modern Library, renowned publisher of classics, chronicles, essential writings, and translations. Includes the Bantam Classics line of titles for high school and...
A website in honor of the beloved life and accomplishments of Lacy Pittman, who died in a car wreck at the age of 17.
Welcome to Annette Matrisciano's Official Website. A world waiting just beneath you that you've never seen. I wanted to keep it a secret, but sharing is better. My work here is...
Welcome to Annette Matrisciano's Official Website. A world waiting just beneath you that you've never seen. I wanted to keep it a secret, but sharing is better. My work here is...
Max Xu, a Ontario Secondary School student's personal introduction and autobiography.
Blog enfocado en los adolescentes y su diario vivir: consejos, tutoriales, escritos, artículos aportados por personas ajenas a la administradora de NOT OBAMA BUT MICHELLE, con...
ندى غريب, كاتبة وشاعرة. صدر لي كتاب شعر وخواطر بعنوان نَاديتُك باسْمي عن الدار العربية للعلوم ناشرون متوفر على موقع نيل وفرات وفي المكتبات العربية. Nada Gharib is a writer and...