CIRP is an Internet resource providing information about all aspects of the genital surgery known as circumcision: Medical considerations, risks, benefits and harm....
A non-profit organization that helps raise awareness and gives aid to victims of Rhonda Sanderson of Sanderson and Associates.
The ADHD Diet - The Comprehensive Program for Dietary Management; A dietary connection to better behavior, learning and health.
Maison d’hébergement pour diverses problématiques liées à la violence conjugale.
Maker of cartoons. Enjoys long walks on the couch, snuggling up by the beach on a rainy day and gags where you reverse things.
Parental Alienation is child abuse
Tailor Made Theater: interactief en op maat gemaakt theater; workshops en producties; interactive and tailor made theatre and art consultancy, workshops and productions.
Site sur Yann Kerninon : Philosophie, Vidéo-Performances et Magie. News, Agenda, Publications, Extraits...
Domestic Violence Classes Online. First 4 Classes Free. Same Day Enrollment. Court Approval Guarantee. No Upfront Costs and Pay Nothing until Week 5. Each Session Starting with...
A specialised domestic violence training service, offering basic awareness and responding to disclosure of abuse through to focusing on male and same sex domestic violence
A 3 Phase strategy producing a lasting World Peace
free notes and essays on sociology, cultural studies, distance education and media studies
L'univers scénique de David Noir. Performances, écrits, sons et iconographie jouent un théâtre de chair sans histoire, pour un public qui bande à part.