德榮股份有限公司 DER JUNG ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD 成立於1960年,為專業吉他弦鈕製造公司與樂器零配件供應商,生產之產品均採ㄧ貫作業其設備有全自動車床、沖床、自動加工機床與射出成型機...等等。 生產的樂器零配件有古典吉他弦鈕、民謠吉他弦鈕、電吉他吉他弦鈕、貝士吉他弦鈕、烏克麗麗弦鈕、曼陀鈴吉他弦鈕、斑鳩弦鈕,大提琴弦捲器,...
Based near the centre of Belfast, we handcraft bespoke one-off guitars, violins, mandolins etc using high quality sustainable tone woods.
Boot Hill Antiques, Musical Instruments, and Repair are located in downtown Belton, Missouri. Situated just twenty minutes from Kansas City, Missouri. We offer a store full of...