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Downward Dog Yoga Centre, offers Yoga Teacher Training in Toronto and Mexico, all levels of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga drop-in classes, as well as Mysore style, Yoga Nidra,...
Feldenkrais-Methode für Freude an Bewegung, Bewegungsoptimierung, Schmerzbewältigung, Gesundheitsvorsorge: Regina Zimmermann, Sankt Martin an der Raab
Read about anxiety disorders, including how to overcome anxiety, types, causes, and symptoms of panic attacks, and the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of phobias such as...
A source for the highest quality herbal supplements and natural herbal supplements and herbal remedies. Supplier of ayurvedic remedies for treatment of chronic conditions like...
Low Morale is a series of animations portraying one man's struggle to cope with the soul-sapping, will-to-live draining, life-force mugging, morale crushing experiences of work....
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CIRP is an Internet resource providing information about all aspects of the genital surgery known as circumcision: Medical considerations, risks, benefits and harm....
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An online magazine about the practice of yoga and meditation. Includes articles, texts, a directory of top yoga sites, a listing of yoga centers, and helpful resources.
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Online counseling services that will change your life. Effective and private online counseling that is guaranteed, fast, and affordable.
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Holistic, natural remedies for dogs and cats. : - Berte's Special Needs Packs By Type By Condition Bertes Immune Blend Berte's Products Berte's Enzymes Berte's Fish Oils...
The American Institute of Stress
Balancing Stress through Inner Peace. Yoga Therapy. Scientifically approved ancient technique. Let us help you become less stressful more mindful and successful.
Cabinet d'Hypnose Ericksonienne à Roquebrune, spécialisé en Thérapies Comportementales et Cognitives ainsi qu'en Mindfulness (méditation de pleine conscience) appliqué aux enfants.