Working on a game? Join us once a month to work on your project with other game developers, artists, designers, producers, and general enthusiasts! We'll have open co-working /...
We love indie games, pixel art and game development! At Pixelated Excellence we do our best to highlight awesome upcoming and released indie games as well as highlighting...
Rank Up Games is an indie game development company striving to, In which our slogan says:
Final projects from Mr. Kerr's Game Development classes at NHS
Arshikweb game / app / web development company with experience developers
The most inspiring gamedev content from around the scene.
eWalk entertainments is the largest MMO Game development company in Iran
AppGuruzNetwork- is 3D Game maker, mobile apps & games Development Company. We built more than 1000 games & apps across iPhone, Android, iPad and Windows platforms.
Koen Meijers Portfolio Student at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Studies Game Development focusing on Unity and C#.
We are an independent game company established in California and with operations in Latin America. We develop and publish video games.
Blog o informatyce, prezentujący obecną sytuację i często niezbyt mądre zachowania firm IT, stworzony jednak głównie do prezentowania moich aplikacji.
Annie Clough Game Design Portfolio. Weird. Simple. Ambitious.
The company SUNDARPAUL TECHNOLOGY is the end-to-end business process automation (BPA) solution, a strategy used by a company to automate processes to control costs.It consists...
Hello, Im a programmer named Joel Groff. These are my projects.
Gamedev Dictionary is a free and crowdsourced database of bite-sized video game knowledge.