Hi, i'm Marco. After working in the comic book industry, I am now a freelance illustrator specialized in editorial and advertising. Based in Milan, Italy.
George is an oboist, pianist, musical director and now actor based in Leeds.
Tailwind CSS, Vue.js, and Laravel agency founded by Jason Beggs
Jasmin Fox-Skelly: Freelance Writer - Home
Victoria Meyers is a freelance designer with 8 years of design experience 8 years of experience specializing in event, exhibition, and experience design.
Personal portfolio of Andrik Santos | Graphic Designer and Full Stack Developer in Honduras.
Jonah Burnett Graphics; My little corner of this vast online space, witch my section I decided to market myself into the Graphic Design world as a young digital artist looking...
Concept Artist, Designer, Illustrator, based in Costa Rica
Since 2006, Providence Entrepreneur Meetup group has held monthly coffee breaks where like-minded people exchange ideas
Pafipa: Hire talented freelancers for your next project from the award-wining and most trusted freelance services marketplace.
Alfio Salanitri è un full stack web developer che vive e lavora a Catania. Sviluppa siti web vetrina ed ecommerce, utilizzando framework e cms proprietari.
Freelance web developer, graphic designer and photographer. Based in Aberdeen, UK.
laurengui | the musings of a lifestyle and culture writer and things in the world that inspire her writing.
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I am a website designer based in Toowoomba, Australia but servicing the whole world! I want to give YOU the tools to take control of your own website!