Drop-in share features for all iPhone and iPad apps.
Metro, a sleek, intuitive, and powerful framework for faster and easier web development for Windows Metro Style.
Research Framework for the Archaeology of Wales - Fframwaith Ymchwil i Archaeoleg Cymru
Vue Material Admin Template is a Google Material Design inspired admin dashboard template built with Vue andVuetify.
Put the fun back in writing Go web applications! A Ruby on Rails inspired, idiomatic, web framework written in Go.
Alfio Salanitri è un full stack web developer che vive e lavora a Catania. Sviluppa siti web vetrina ed ecommerce, utilizzando framework e cms proprietari.
Krzysztof 'Pomstiborius' Kowalczyk - programista PHP, MySQL, MSSQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Yii Framework. Projektowanie i tworzenie stron WWW oraz aplikacji internetowych....
An extremely fast React-like javascript library for building modern user interfaces.
InTime Technologies Inc has been providing valued IT solutions to FORTUNE 100 clients and Integrators, since 2000. At InTime Technologies Inc, we focus on delivering cost...
a modern and minimalist framework for building responsive and modern frontends