Most fascinated with Internet Security and Coding, With the same enthusiasm and spirit, Open to the world for solving the challenges with efficient solutions
IT technical resource and support for installations, maintenance and decommissions for data centers, office space and residential
Java Developer. Creator of i5 programming language
Web developer, UX Enthusiast, and everything in between.
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We offer the guidance you need to make the switch from an office running on AutoCAD to an operation fully outfitted to create Revit 3D models. Adapting your workflow from 2D to...
Dev passionate for knowledge and creativity. A unique view of IT comprised of support, administration and development. Knowledgeably nerdy, entertainingly funny. It's dev and...
About: projects, research, and contact for Kealan John Hennessy
Experienced Software Developer with expertise in mobile development and webservices.
Official webpage of Chicago and Denver sound designer and software developer Filip Graniczny. Since 2016, Filip has designed, mixed, or staffed over 175+ events for both...
Online portfolio for Danny McCardle, a Software Engineering student at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton.
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Chandim Sarkar - A student from Kolkata completing his graduation in Engineering
Hey, I'm Simon Berhanu. I'm a second-year Software Engineer student at Polytechnique Montreal. I have a serious passion for Front-End and Back-End development. I have a great...