K-9 PALS is the all-volunteer, non-profit organization that depends on monetary donations to help meet their mission of providing veterinary care, promoting adoptions and acting...
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Matching volunteers with our projects, spend time with our children and help them in activities in our orphanage in Pokhara and sorrounding villages, Nepal.
SecretBuilders is a virtual world for children 5 to 14 years old powered by a web 2.0 community of children, parents, educators, writers, artists and game developers.
Click to donate land for free.Save, preserve, and protect the rainforest, Amazon basin, wilderness, wild lands, forest, endangered species, and habitat at EcologyFund.com.
Refugees are people just like you. The difference is they have been forced to flee their homes. Help save lives TODAY. Donate Now.
Olusoji-Akinwande Development Foundation is one that is central around “Building People and the Africa of our dream”, bringing hope to the hopeless, supporting young and adults...
Wizebot is a service that offers a bot and a variety of tools for managing, monitoring and securing your Twitch streaming.
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