Burlington-based visual communication designer & creative.
Hitcom verzorgt uw promotie en vormgeving! Videograaf, fotograaf, designer en websdesign. Uw bedrijfsfilm, promofilm, videoclip en visuele vormgeving. Videoproductie Den Haag &...
Sapere Aude - Graphic Design, Layout and Print, UK
Paraense / Mineiro, Designer Home Office especialista em Criação de Identidades Visuais para Empresas e Profissionais Liberais.
Jonah Burnett Graphics; My little corner of this vast online space, witch my section I decided to market myself into the Graphic Design world as a young digital artist looking...
Alfio Salanitri è un full stack web developer che vive e lavora a Catania. Sviluppa siti web vetrina ed ecommerce, utilizzando framework e cms proprietari.
Hi, I'm Minwoo Kim. I am a recent graduate from the University of Toronto's undergraduate architecture double major program. I am currently looking for an architecture firm to...
RatedQ determined to deliver Bronx inspiration and style from his neighborhood and upbringing. A heavy influence growing up in the Bronx and using his environment to fuel...
Streaming Artistry combines beautiful, empowering designs with clean, innovative technology to create a little bit of magic. Offering website and logo design, social media...
Taiga is a project management platform for startups and agile developers & designers who want a simple, beautiful tool that makes work truly enjoyable.
Welcome to my personal portfolio of work!
designer,Illustrator,Red Dot Award,IF Award,Chinoiserie,Art