Girish Ramloul Full Stack Software Engineer
personal website of ganesshkumar that talks about technology, computer science and personal opinions
Hello, I'm Vasilis, a recent graduate of the Aristotle University Informatics Bachelor's program. I quickly developed an interest in Artificial Intelligence and Software...
Webbasierte realtime Monitoring-Systeme, Softwareentwicklungen und Bildverarbeitungslösungen. HEIVITEC bietet Unterstützung bei der Konzeptionierung und Realisierung von...
The guy who loves to uncover the hidden facts and meaningful insights from messy data.
Nous travaillons pour futur qui est déjà là mais qui est inégalement partagé. AI et deep learning, Transition digitale, contenus et identité numérique, vidéos.
Lobe is an easy-to-use visual tool that lets you build custom deep learning models, quickly train them, and ship them directly in your app without writing any code.
Image classifier trained to distinct between cats and dogs images. Convolutional Neural Network was built with Keras & Tensorflow(GPU).
2020 Data Science & Intelligent Systems Conference will be organized by collaborating with different Data science associations during Jul 13-15, 2020 at London, UK.
Nous travaillons pour futur qui est déjà là mais qui est inégalement partagé. AI et deep learning, Transition digitale, contenus et identité numérique, vidéos.
EA4T travaille à la contextualisation des interfaces de la parole, et permet aux sociétés/organisations qui utilisent ses services, d’augmenter significativement les...
data science ,deep learning ,machine learning in python technology are emerging fast.
I am a Graduate Student in Buffalo, NY. Read my resume.
BDB AI is Introduced with a vision for bringing benefits of AutoML to everyone. AI Integration makes products smarter and more beneficial. By implementing Tensorflow with Keras...
Take your company to the next level! We support your digital transformation with IT solutions that support your business.
Webbasierte realtime Monitoring-Systeme, Softwareentwicklungen und Bildverarbeitungslösungen. HEIVITEC bietet Unterstützung bei der Konzeptionierung und Realisierung von...
Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Scientist's personal website. I am a PhD Candidate funded by Computing Fellowship in the college of...
hierarchical spatiotemporal sparse distributed representations memory codes neural cortical minicolumn macrocolumn video event recognition