Software Engineer Full Stack Developer. Going through a bootcamp trying to learn all I can about coding. I am building a strong network to hopefully educate and propel me into...
Biomedical Visualization services. Science, technology, art and visual communication are deployed for creating accurate but aesthetically pleasant visual elements
Étudiant en MMI à l'IUT de Corte, je propose divers services liés à l'industrie du web tel que le développement web, le web design et le graphisme. Mon site web permet d'exposer...
créations de couvertures et accessoires pour bébé, modèles uniques
Cabinet d'architecture CAURI, basé à Ouagadougou. Au travers de ce site, vous aurez accès à quelques réalisations, au carnet de détails et pourrez prendre contact avec nous.
A collection of photography, videos and creations through the lens.
Said The Butterfly is a line of inspired cards, gifts and creations made in Los Angeles by Melissa Renzi. Each piece starts as an original mixed media collage
Cave Treasures - High Quality Stained and Fused Glass Creations by glass artist Jill Buckingham
Cave Treasures - High Quality Stained and Fused Glass Creations by glass artist Jill Buckingham
Cave Treasures - High Quality Stained and Fused Glass Creations by glass artist Jill Buckingham
Fu2ure is dedicated to providing expertise and services for individuals, organisations and enterprises who are involved with or evolving into fu2ure business, media and creative...
Oddviz is a collective that uses digital photography techniques to virtually recreate in three dimensions.
Henk Wood Creations We manufacture handcrafted furniture to your custom design. Range of collector’s solid wood in stock. We have the skills to turn a good design into a great...
Handmade crafts including felt food, games, wood furniture, vinyl decals, and more
Cave Treasures - High Quality Stained and Fused Glass Creations by glass artist Jill Buckingham