With a decade-long, large-scale investment we have made on developing and collecting world's most advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms, our technologies address various...
IxorThink is the AI and Machine Learning practice of Ixor, a Belgian software vendor.
The company SUNDARPAUL TECHNOLOGY is the end-to-end business process automation (BPA) solution, a strategy used by a company to automate processes to control costs.It consists...
This website desribes scientific and professional activity of computer scientist prof. Krzysztof Michalik. It also describes some his works, AI systems and lectures.
Daisho delivers end-to-end unified control, intuitive configuration, and optimized management for all your edge applications. Our software platform provides a unified compute...
Using artificial intelligence in industrial processes to make production cleaner, safer and more efficient.
The Internet of Things Scotland Meetup group is open to software professionals, entrepreneurs, academics, enthusiasts, makers/hobbyists, and early-adopters. Topics covered...
Advanced Virtual creates powerful Personal Supercomputers, Virtual Reality Systems and Mobile Devices based on Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technologies
Aggregating disruptive technologies to empower the financial industry, delivering critical and complex Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science solutions to a high...
Aggregating disruptive technologies to empower the financial industry, delivering critical and complex Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science solutions to a high...
The Norfolk Institute supports research and education into enabling human survival on Earth and out into space.
PipelineAI: Real-Time Enterprise AI Platform
Ai Buddy is a set of animated characters powered by AI that give support to kids while their parents are deployed to war, or if they don’t make it back.
InProfix develops analytical technologies that intelligently and automatically match the right risk with the right price helping insurers to create and maintain profitable...
Cognier Block Pte. Ltd
Cyberinfrastructure Technologies strives to develop a strong internet ecosystem that supports peer-to-peer collaboration and new modes of education based upon broad and open...