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I.R.I.S.® Home - Forestry, Natural Resource, Environmental, Computer Systems, Software, Services©
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founder, director, consultant, 1st place overall natural resources software contest, society of american foresters, saf, expert systems development, woodstock, cut lev, silva, silvah, spatial project tracking system, spts, land use management system, lums, arcgis soils expert system, ecological land type software, ecosystem management, gas data acquisition system, operations monitoring system, dec vax, data general, ibm mainframes, ibm pcs, prime minicomputers, minicomputers, sun workstations, tektronix, adc authorized distributor, adc business partner, adc systems integrator, adc service provider, adc software developer, arcdata authorized distributor, arcdata systems integrator, arcdata service provider, arcdata software developer, arcgis authorized distributor, arcgis business partner, arcgis systems integrator, arcgis service provider, arcgis software developer, autodesk authorized distributor, autodesk business partner, autodesk systems integrator, autodesk service provider, autodesk software developer, compaq authorized distributor, compaq business partner, compaq systems integrator, compaq service provider, compaq software developer, erdas authorized distributor, erdas business partner, erdas systems integrator, erdas service provider, erdas software developer, esri authorized distributor, esri business partner, esri systems integrator, esri service provider, esri software developer, dell authorized distributor, dell business partner, dell systems integrator, dell service provider, dell software developer, fors authorized distributor, fors business partner, fors systems integrator, fors service provider, fors software developer, forestry software associates authorized distributor, forestry software associates business partner, forestry software associates systems integrator, forestry software associates service provider, forestry software associates software developer, greenbriar graphics authorized distributor, greenbriar graphics business partner, greenbriar graphics systems integrator, greenbriar graphics service provider, greenbriar graphics software developer, hp authorized distributor, hp business partner, hp systems integrator, hp service provider, hp software developer, husky authorized distributor, husky business partner, husky systems integrator, husky service provider, husky software developer, itronix authorized distributor, itronix business partner, itronix systems integrator, itronix service provider, itronix software developer, landplot research authorized distributor, landplot research business partner, landplot research systems integrator, landplot research service provider, landplot research software developer, microsoft authorized distributor, microsoft business partner, microsoft systems integrator, microsoft service provider, microsoft software developer, timber transportation systems distributor, timber transportation systems business partner, timber transportation systems systems integrator, timber 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